Small Drive
The Small Drive is a reproduction of the Smallsound/Bigsound Mini.
A true “Swiss Army” pedal that covers a vast range, from clean boost to smooth overdrive to crunchy chords to raucous dirt to gated fuzz.
I tried to stay as true to the original as possible, but I made two small changes to even further increase it's range:
Expanded Bias control - I increased the range of the bias resistance to allow for extreme gating of the second stage output. All of the original range is there, I just added to it.
Second stage bias - Since I expanded the bias control range, I chose to set the second stage internal bias at the maximum of the range, rather than the theoretical “perfect". This means that when the bias control is turned all the way down, it’s actually not at a zero effect, but past the “perfect” bias point. The effect is minimal, but may be useful. Finding the “perfect” point is relatively easy, just turn the bias control up slightly until you hear a volume increase.
DO NOT adjust the internal trimmers, this will most likely cause the pedal to become non-functional.
You can read more about the development of this project in the Journal section of the website.
NOS Fairchild JFET transistors
NOS Motorola NPN transistor
Alpha pots
Solid aluminum knobs
Lumberg DC jack
Long life footswitch
The Small Drive is a reproduction of the Smallsound/Bigsound Mini.
A true “Swiss Army” pedal that covers a vast range, from clean boost to smooth overdrive to crunchy chords to raucous dirt to gated fuzz.
I tried to stay as true to the original as possible, but I made two small changes to even further increase it's range:
Expanded Bias control - I increased the range of the bias resistance to allow for extreme gating of the second stage output. All of the original range is there, I just added to it.
Second stage bias - Since I expanded the bias control range, I chose to set the second stage internal bias at the maximum of the range, rather than the theoretical “perfect". This means that when the bias control is turned all the way down, it’s actually not at a zero effect, but past the “perfect” bias point. The effect is minimal, but may be useful. Finding the “perfect” point is relatively easy, just turn the bias control up slightly until you hear a volume increase.
DO NOT adjust the internal trimmers, this will most likely cause the pedal to become non-functional.
You can read more about the development of this project in the Journal section of the website.
NOS Fairchild JFET transistors
NOS Motorola NPN transistor
Alpha pots
Solid aluminum knobs
Lumberg DC jack
Long life footswitch
The Small Drive is a reproduction of the Smallsound/Bigsound Mini.
A true “Swiss Army” pedal that covers a vast range, from clean boost to smooth overdrive to crunchy chords to raucous dirt to gated fuzz.
I tried to stay as true to the original as possible, but I made two small changes to even further increase it's range:
Expanded Bias control - I increased the range of the bias resistance to allow for extreme gating of the second stage output. All of the original range is there, I just added to it.
Second stage bias - Since I expanded the bias control range, I chose to set the second stage internal bias at the maximum of the range, rather than the theoretical “perfect". This means that when the bias control is turned all the way down, it’s actually not at a zero effect, but past the “perfect” bias point. The effect is minimal, but may be useful. Finding the “perfect” point is relatively easy, just turn the bias control up slightly until you hear a volume increase.
DO NOT adjust the internal trimmers, this will most likely cause the pedal to become non-functional.
You can read more about the development of this project in the Journal section of the website.
NOS Fairchild JFET transistors
NOS Motorola NPN transistor
Alpha pots
Solid aluminum knobs
Lumberg DC jack
Long life footswitch