1st Newsletter (Sent Feb 8th)
Here it is! The first newsletter!
Thank you all for subscribing. I hope I can keep this entertaining and engaging, I know everyone receives plenty of inbox clutter already.
My intention is to keep these brief and get right to the point. I intend to use this as a way to offer exclusive pedal drops, keep you updated on what I’m working on, and maybe share information on other pedals I don’t make that you may find interesting.
If there is anything you would like to see included in this newsletter, please, please, please let me know.
Exclusive Drops
Here is my plan for the exclusive drops: Some of you may have noticed that I have moved away from making clones of pedals that are currently being produced. The reason for this is two-fold. First, there is a plethora of pedals that are no longer being produced that are crazy good, and I feel bringing something to the market that is no longer available is much better serving than trying to make less expensive versions of something already available. Second, I really don’t wish to take potential business from any smaller pedal producers, and I can’t be very cost competitive with larger producers.
So here is what I’ll do, at least for now. Reproductions of anything currently in the market will be offered as limited newsletter exclusive drops. Quantities available will be low, and I hope to have some more obscure offerings than what is typically done. I have the first complete already and two more already planned.
I have yet to figure out how to have live hidden listings on the website, so I still need to work that out.
What I’m Working On Now
I love surprising everyone, so I hate giving anything away, but I also understand that people want to know what’s in the works. So here goes:
Still working on the original, it’s very close, and also have a second original now in development. If you are interested in being in the test group for these, let me know. You will have to sign a non-disclosure.
A counterpart to the Floret Cana Mori Fuzz
A new feature packed version of the Transmit
Restocks on the Sekova Overdrive and Systech Harmonic Energizers
A very special reproduction of the Diaz Texas Square Face, my first Fuzz Face style offering
Two modulation pedal reproduction projects, but these are moving very slow
A Black Keys inspired fuzz
An updated Fender Blender repro
New version of the Elk Fuzz with NPN transistors
I am actively trying to slow down on projects in order to devote more time to the originals, but it’s tough for me. There’s so much I want to do, just not enough time to do it. I blame my day job, but gotta pay the bills.
That’s enough for now. Next newsletter will be very soon, in fact once I figure out the listing thing for the pedal drop. Will also work on which pedals from others I want to talk about.